People registered in the Central Committee of Polish Jews
The Central Committee of Polish Jews was registering the Jews who survived the Holocaust in Poland in 1945-1950. In the archives of the Jewish Historical Institute there are people who stated Białowieża as their place of birth and residence:
- Izrael Malecki (see above)
- Nikołaj Pstyga – born in 1922 in Białowieża, chauffer. Adress from 1st of September: Białowieża. Survived the war fttthanks to escaping to the USSR. After the war he registered at the Committee in Wrocław, in 1946. The surname „Pstyga” is familiar to the oldest citizens of Białowieża, although not as a Jewish name. Perhaps, as happened often after the war, a survivor took this surname to avoid disclosing themselves as Jewish in the post-war reality.
- Ludwik Zdaniecki, born in 1898 in Warsaw, address of residence from 1st September 1939: Białowieża. During the war he was hiding on the aryan side in Warsaw, later he found himself in France, serving in the French army between 1944-1946. He registered in the Committee in Łódź in 1946.