
The Jews from Białowieża who were transported to the Pruzhany ghetto were later deported to the Concentration Camp in Auschwitz in between 28th of January and 1st of February 1943. The transports left from the Orańczyce (Arańczyce) station, next to Linowo – people were being packed into cattle wagons, around 100-150 people per wagon. In total, in four transports 9161 people were deported to Auschwitz from Pruzhany. Some of the people died during travel which lasted two days. Immediately upon arrival the Jews were sorted in a selection process – from every transport batch counting around 2,5 thousand people, only 300 men and 150-200 people were left as captives in the Brzezinka-Birkenau camp, the rest perished immediately in the gas chambers.

On the lists of the Auschwitz Concentration Camp prisoners in the archives of the camp, only few people are clearly marked to be of Białowieża provenence. They are: Szloma Klejnerman, Lejba Machleder, Mina Sara Bursztejn, Rywa Goldberg, Szaja Goldberg and Izrael Malecki who is one of the three only Auschwitz survivors from Białowieża.


See the detailed description of the extermination of the Białowieża Jews, the memories of the inhabitants and the sources.